Sunday, November 30, 2008

Where's Jesus?

I don't know about you, but I'm wondering "Where's Jesus" in this Christmas season. This is an old argument, but I feel one worth visiting each year.
Have you gone to the store and tried to find a Nativity? Walmart has them, but they are crowded out by Santa and all his cohorts. Now don't get me wrong, I believe in "Santa" :), but it bothers me that due to consumerism the true meaning of Christmas is often lost.

I live in a neighborhood that takes great strides to decorate their small patch of American soil with expensive displays. For instance, the neighbor across from me has so many light up displays you almost need shades. But among the train, snowmen, etc. I ask, "Where's Jesus?"
Donny and I silently protest by hanging a lonely star in a bedroom window. I'm sure the neighbors think we're either cheap or scrooges. The other day while at Home depot we were looking at the yard thing's and there was not one Nativity. If I wanted to put one in my yard, I'm not sure I could find one that compares to the array of fancy ones available.

They have moving ones. Even hot air balloons. I don't get that one. LOL Why not a moving Nativity? Hmmmmm. I wonder if they make them? I'll have to google that. :)

Anyways, if you have yard art please don't take my rantings as judgement. I love looking at Christmas lights. I'm just wondering, what we did with Jesus?

1 comment:

Steve and Tami said...

Hello my 2am friend....I agree with your post. It is unfortunate that it has turned into such a commercially driven holiday. As for us we don't even do the star...but we will read the story of Jesus birth on Christmas Eve and do our best to remember the "Reason for the Season" I hope you both have a blessed Christmas.

