It's Sunday evening and I'm sitting in my new red chaise lounger I bought for myself! I love it. I have my own chair and my own room to go to when life gets crazy! Seems I've almost lived here the last week! I haven't even had time to write about all the craziness.
Here's a quick update:
- Amber and Justin spilt up last week. Because she is about to begin full-time nursing school, Donny and I decided to let her and Autumn live here. It has been a huge adjustment. Mainly because we have been empty Nester's for a couple of years and we are so used to our space. I've really enjoyed Amber during this transition. She has grown so much this past year and she is asking God to grow her more.
- The other thing going on is with April. You didn't think a crazy week wouldn't involve her did you? It seems her "b/f" stole her car last Tuesday. She had him drop her off (in her car) at the police station, so she could make a police report on her missing laptop she found at a pawn shop. After waiting 3 hours for him to return, she called us. Of course, we went and got her. After lots of drama, the car was found Thursday morning in WV. So April took a greyhound to WV to p/u her car. She once again is in a bad situation. Please pray for Donny and I as we try to deal with this situation. We need God's wisdom about how much we should help.
As you can see, this has been a week from hell. But, God is still on His throne and He is working everything out for His glory! I just don't want to get in His way.
Vickie I know how you feel in a sense. Back on Feb 4,08 my hubby was in a bad wreck which killed the other guy. So he was off work for a while. Then 2 weeks later we get a call about 9:00 am Saturday Feb 23, 08(mind you we're at a basketball game) That my 23 month opld nephew had passed away in his sleep. We were all crushed and raced to help support the family. We were just getting around after that we got a huge scare with my own son. The dr. called and said he needed to see a heart specialist because he had an abnormal heart. Ok we were so scared and all we could do was pray and have everyone pray for him. Praying indeed helped cause what ever it was had vanished. Praise the Lord. OK so we think that the devil was done trying to destroy the faith we had to keep us going then April 9th, 08 I was on the computer talking to a great friend and while we were on the cumputer she had an anurism which caused her to have a srtoke and commatoused her. Ok we spent 3 days praying and visiting her in the hospital. Well April 11th, 08 Her husband and to make the choise weather to pull the plug or not cause she was brain dead. So then we think we're recoveing from all this and then my hubby gets fired this past Thursday because his attorney wants him to file for workers comp form his wreck and He refused to lie on his drivers log so that he could drive with out having his 32 hours of reset time. The only thing that has gotten us through all this is scripture my favorite that has helped alot is "Roman 8:28 everything will work for the good for those who work according to his purpose" (it's not exact but pretty close) Just keep your faith and leave it to God and something good will come of this his word says so so just leave it to him and believe. I understand there are times you want to question but we can't. just have faith the size of a mustard seed thats all you need. I'll be paying for you guys and it'll get better. just remember to fall on the Bible.
sorry about all the misspelled words I was in a hurry lol kids are calling
It amazes me how God uses you and Donny with your children! There is always something for us to learn in situations, but you 2 seem to get it right off the bat and that is what makes you stay so faithful. You are super parents! Not many would be there for their children with patients time after time like the both of you have. Even though the wall gets a beating every now and then, you continue to love unconditionally:)
By the way...love the title (I need to do that more often)!
Hey girlfriend...we have not talked in forever! I guess I didn't know that April wasn't with Scott anymore ( I hope I am allowed to say that name) I'm sorry for everything you are going through right now...I am proud of you for keeping your chin up. We are passing through Fort Smith very soon, I hope I can swing by to see your fab new chaise! Just keep an eye on me because I have a lot of room in my fab van and it could use a chaise in the back ; P
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