Yesterday Donny and his irish band played for the nuns at St. Scholastic. I was so proud as I watched him play his accordian and bazooki with such passion. The nuns loved them! A few nuns got up and danced! Donny is so talented and creative. I admire him so much!
Donny at the mission.
Donny has taught me so much about loving others unconditionally. Donny has a big heart for the underdog. I always thought I did, until I met him. He strives to truly love others as Christ does. As I watch him love on others, it makes me want to step out of my comfort zone and love without fear too.
Donny has taught me so much about loving others unconditionally. Donny has a big heart for the underdog. I always thought I did, until I met him. He strives to truly love others as Christ does. As I watch him love on others, it makes me want to step out of my comfort zone and love without fear too.
I'm so thankful God sent Donny to me. (It is all about me, right?)
Even in the midst of the crap life I was living, God gave me a huge gift of grace. I'm learning that God speaks to me through Donny. I know you find this hard to believe, but I'm very hardheaded and independent. :) This can be a problem in a marriage. I've allowed the wounds from past relationships to cloud my heart. I didn't trust men very much by the time I met Donny. I had spent so much of my life looking for the approval and acceptance from men, my heart was pretty well burnt to a crisp by the time Donny entered the picture. It has been a hard journey for me and especially my husband.
I heard Joyce Meyer say once that God told her to stop punishing her husband for what other men had done to her. Boy, what an eyeopener for me! I've tried to remember that when I fall back into mistrusting Donny. This is hard especially when it comes to handling money. In my former marriage, my ex controlled the finances. When Donny and I sit down to plan our budget, I fight fear big time! This thing kicks in and says, "He's trying to control you!" I know in my head it's a lie, but I do have a battle to put under the blood of Jesus! Donny is very patient with me and reminds me he isn't like that.
I pray God will continue to remove my baggage from the past and free me to love my husband with a pure heart and no fear! Trust is a neccesary ingredient to a good marriage.
What a blessing to have in a "better half!" That's what it's all about.
Wow Vicki, thanks for reminding me that the past has nothing to do with my present. I do that a lot with Josh. I had a relationship that was really bad when I was 17 to 19 years of age and for some reason I let it interrupt feelings in the present so much that I start having nightmares about it. It was such a horrible experience for me and fear does begin to set in some when I am reminded of him from a smell or a strangers face in the crowd. But that does not mean that Josh is going to become that person just because fear is overwhelming me. I am so glad that you are real about who you are. It ministers a whole bunch:)
ok,ok enough about your better half already!!!! Just kidding that is a gift from God. :-)
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