Donny and I went to the farmers market this morning. It was awesome! We got fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and purple hull peas. I took a trek down memory lane while April helped me shell them. (Thats what we are doing in the pic) When I was a little girl my grandma would buy peas by the bushel and us grandkids would each get a bowl and sit on the porch and shell for hours. We would see who could shell the most and who had the purpliest (made up word) fingers. I really enjoyed sharing this awesome memory with April. No drama, just talk time.
April had her evaluation for drug court this morning. They evaluate whether or not drugs have caused you to get into trouble. They determine if the person needs help with addiction. April was so upset that she didn't get accepted. I told her that was a good thing! She is so afraid of going to prison she was willing to do drug court. I told her God has a plan and drug court must not be it. She is really wanting to go home to NC. I think this would be a good thing! She and Scott are talking and they want to work things out. Donny told Scott they both need to get into church and seek counseling. I hope April will spend some time in counseling while scotts still in Iraq. I told her the famous Dan quote, " Wherever you go, there you are!" and that changing her surroundings won't change the problem. I encouraged her to explore why she allowed herself to comprise her belief system and hang around people who are trouble. She was open to my words.
Yesterday i was really struggling with depression. Today I'm better. I really feel a release from God today that it's time for me to help April. Up to this point I've sat back and waited for God's go ahead! I am planning to go with April to her attorney appt. this afternoon. She has no clue how to ask the right questions and her attorney is worth what she is paying him. ZERO! Please pray April will have favor with the courts and she will be able to return to NC. Also, please pray I will have wisdom on how much to help. I don't won't to jump in front of God's work!
we will be praying for April and the whole situation. Also my hubby knows how Scott feels he has been to Iraq and is going back in Jan. We will also keep him in our prayers.
I love you...and I pray, like you, that you follow God's lead....
so what do I have to get to get my kids to sit on the front porch for hours??? I have NEVER heard of those peas but I will go to the store and get them if you can guarantee an hour of sit time : )
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