“Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the One who will keep you on track. Don’t assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil!” Proverbs 3:5-7. (The Message)
Boy, I need to memorize this one. God's been talking to me a lot about reasonings. I didn't even know what reasonings meant until God showed me it's trying to guess and worry about the future.
I do want to trust you Lord from the bottom of my heart. With all my heart! but God I need your help to do this because I often fall back into old habits. I easily can tell when I'm not trusting you because I'm irritable, depressed, angry, short, afraid, negative, etc. Help me to remember to listen for your voice everywhere I go and in everything I do. Most of the time I admit I have to go back to the beginning of a situation and listen for your voice. Help me through the power of your Spirit to run to you first and to run from evil.
What a relief to know you keep me on track!!!!! WHew!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Lets have a discussion!
Okay friends. I thought it might be interesting to throw out a discussion question. I'm curious to get everyone's opinion and see what God brings to light and teaches us. Feel free to comment your thoughts. Don't edit your comments, but write from your heart and what you believe. I really want to know. There has been some discussion already about what it means to be a godly wife. I'm interested in seeing what your thoughts are on this subject.
Finish the sentence below:
A Godly wife is
Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts! We can all learn from each other.
Finish the sentence below:
A Godly wife is
Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts! We can all learn from each other.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Me? Rebellious!

I recently had a conversation with a couple of friends about having a hard time following my husbands lead sometimes. One of them made the comment that I do have a bent toward being rebellious. UGH!
Okay, I admit I was a rebellious teenager and I AM in my third marriage, but I thought I had buried that demon long ago. obviously not! Okay Kary, I know your laughing! Elephant in the room does come to mind.
This "friend" also said it runs deep in our children. OUCH!!! Okay, so it is my fault......????? Well, I have asked God to forgive me for my parenting mistakes and my girls are all adults with the capability to choose right from wrong. But since this conversation, I've been asking God to help me. The friend also said there is a good side to rebellion such as tenacity, risk-taker, etc. WHATEVER!!!
I only see the negative side. I don't want to be rebellious.
I looked up the definition and it is
1. open, organized, and armed resistance to one's government or ruler.
2. resistance to or defiance of any authority, control, or tradition.
3. the act of rebelling.
None of these traits work well in relationships.
Last one
refusal to accept some authority or code or convention;
Okay, now I see why I liked being a CASA director. I used my rebellion for good. I used it to protect abused kids.
What does the bible say about rebellion? ( not sure I want to know this answer)
1 Samuel 15:23 (New International Version)
23 For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, he has rejected you as king."
I don't want to be a rebellious person.
God, what is this thing that controls me? I know it's fed by fear of losing control. I admit I'm guilty of the sin of rebellion. I ask you to help this weakness in my life. Most of all I don't want to be rebellious with you. I admit I've taken pride in being hardheaded. It has become part of my identity at times.
Help me to trust my husband and not be so hard to lead.
I'm grateful in my weakness you are made strong. I love you Lord and I'm so glad you love me too.
Okay, I admit I was a rebellious teenager and I AM in my third marriage, but I thought I had buried that demon long ago. obviously not! Okay Kary, I know your laughing! Elephant in the room does come to mind.
This "friend" also said it runs deep in our children. OUCH!!! Okay, so it is my fault......????? Well, I have asked God to forgive me for my parenting mistakes and my girls are all adults with the capability to choose right from wrong. But since this conversation, I've been asking God to help me. The friend also said there is a good side to rebellion such as tenacity, risk-taker, etc. WHATEVER!!!
I only see the negative side. I don't want to be rebellious.
I looked up the definition and it is
1. open, organized, and armed resistance to one's government or ruler.
2. resistance to or defiance of any authority, control, or tradition.
3. the act of rebelling.
None of these traits work well in relationships.
Last one
refusal to accept some authority or code or convention;
Okay, now I see why I liked being a CASA director. I used my rebellion for good. I used it to protect abused kids.
What does the bible say about rebellion? ( not sure I want to know this answer)
1 Samuel 15:23 (New International Version)
23 For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, he has rejected you as king."
I don't want to be a rebellious person.
God, what is this thing that controls me? I know it's fed by fear of losing control. I admit I'm guilty of the sin of rebellion. I ask you to help this weakness in my life. Most of all I don't want to be rebellious with you. I admit I've taken pride in being hardheaded. It has become part of my identity at times.
Help me to trust my husband and not be so hard to lead.
I'm grateful in my weakness you are made strong. I love you Lord and I'm so glad you love me too.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
So Long Friends

I'm really glad for what God has given them, but sad it includes them moving to Colorado. I'm thankful for the opportunity to know them and hope to visit them in the future. Thanks Dan and amy! You will be missed!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Learning to Trust!

Yesterday Donny and his irish band played for the nuns at St. Scholastic. I was so proud as I watched him play his accordian and bazooki with such passion. The nuns loved them! A few nuns got up and danced! Donny is so talented and creative. I admire him so much!
Donny at the mission.

Donny has taught me so much about loving others unconditionally. Donny has a big heart for the underdog. I always thought I did, until I met him. He strives to truly love others as Christ does. As I watch him love on others, it makes me want to step out of my comfort zone and love without fear too.

Donny has taught me so much about loving others unconditionally. Donny has a big heart for the underdog. I always thought I did, until I met him. He strives to truly love others as Christ does. As I watch him love on others, it makes me want to step out of my comfort zone and love without fear too.

I'm so thankful God sent Donny to me. (It is all about me, right?)
Even in the midst of the crap life I was living, God gave me a huge gift of grace. I'm learning that God speaks to me through Donny. I know you find this hard to believe, but I'm very hardheaded and independent. :) This can be a problem in a marriage. I've allowed the wounds from past relationships to cloud my heart. I didn't trust men very much by the time I met Donny. I had spent so much of my life looking for the approval and acceptance from men, my heart was pretty well burnt to a crisp by the time Donny entered the picture. It has been a hard journey for me and especially my husband.
I heard Joyce Meyer say once that God told her to stop punishing her husband for what other men had done to her. Boy, what an eyeopener for me! I've tried to remember that when I fall back into mistrusting Donny. This is hard especially when it comes to handling money. In my former marriage, my ex controlled the finances. When Donny and I sit down to plan our budget, I fight fear big time! This thing kicks in and says, "He's trying to control you!" I know in my head it's a lie, but I do have a battle to put under the blood of Jesus! Donny is very patient with me and reminds me he isn't like that.
I pray God will continue to remove my baggage from the past and free me to love my husband with a pure heart and no fear! Trust is a neccesary ingredient to a good marriage.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The Verdict is.......
Well, I'm back from the visit with April's attorney. Maybe I didn't give him enough credit, because at least he was really nice and listened well. That counts for a whole lot when it comes to attorneys. Anyways, April told him the story of how she ended up in this big mess. He said she could return home to NC. She just has to call and check in once a week. He said the court date won't be set for at least 6 months and a lot depends on what happens with Jason. (the ex b/f) Jerry Springer I know. The attorney told April she should write a book about her experiences. :) glad i can see some humor now. Anyways, long story short, odds are April won't ever go to court and the charges will be dropped. That's what I'm praying for now. I really hope April has learned a very hard lesson. The attorney agreed it was a good thing she didn't qualify for drug court. At least she can go home to NC. I have to say April is very relieved. Her plans now are to get a job and earn the money to go home. She has an interview tomorrow with JC Pennys.
I just want to say thank you to all of my friends who have prayed me through these horrible last few weeks. I am so thankful for all your encouragement. I have to admit I've been embarrased by this situation, so it's nice to have friends that don't judge! I also want to thank my husband for helping me through this and all his great hugs. There were times I know he thought the light was never going to come. And I'm thankful for Amber. She has been so encouraging and helpful to me. She is such a blessing to me.
I can't forget my Lord either! He is the reason I still standing! It's true that our trials make our faith stronger. I've learned even more how much I can trust Him with my whole life. Thanks Father God! You truly are my rock!!!!
I just want to say thank you to all of my friends who have prayed me through these horrible last few weeks. I am so thankful for all your encouragement. I have to admit I've been embarrased by this situation, so it's nice to have friends that don't judge! I also want to thank my husband for helping me through this and all his great hugs. There were times I know he thought the light was never going to come. And I'm thankful for Amber. She has been so encouraging and helpful to me. She is such a blessing to me.
I can't forget my Lord either! He is the reason I still standing! It's true that our trials make our faith stronger. I've learned even more how much I can trust Him with my whole life. Thanks Father God! You truly are my rock!!!!
A Pea-Pickin' Good Time

Donny and I went to the farmers market this morning. It was awesome! We got fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and purple hull peas. I took a trek down memory lane while April helped me shell them. (Thats what we are doing in the pic) When I was a little girl my grandma would buy peas by the bushel and us grandkids would each get a bowl and sit on the porch and shell for hours. We would see who could shell the most and who had the purpliest (made up word) fingers. I really enjoyed sharing this awesome memory with April. No drama, just talk time.
April had her evaluation for drug court this morning. They evaluate whether or not drugs have caused you to get into trouble. They determine if the person needs help with addiction. April was so upset that she didn't get accepted. I told her that was a good thing! She is so afraid of going to prison she was willing to do drug court. I told her God has a plan and drug court must not be it. She is really wanting to go home to NC. I think this would be a good thing! She and Scott are talking and they want to work things out. Donny told Scott they both need to get into church and seek counseling. I hope April will spend some time in counseling while scotts still in Iraq. I told her the famous Dan quote, " Wherever you go, there you are!" and that changing her surroundings won't change the problem. I encouraged her to explore why she allowed herself to comprise her belief system and hang around people who are trouble. She was open to my words.
Yesterday i was really struggling with depression. Today I'm better. I really feel a release from God today that it's time for me to help April. Up to this point I've sat back and waited for God's go ahead! I am planning to go with April to her attorney appt. this afternoon. She has no clue how to ask the right questions and her attorney is worth what she is paying him. ZERO! Please pray April will have favor with the courts and she will be able to return to NC. Also, please pray I will have wisdom on how much to help. I don't won't to jump in front of God's work!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Trying to Stay Out of God's Way

It's Sunday evening and I'm sitting in my new red chaise lounger I bought for myself! I love it. I have my own chair and my own room to go to when life gets crazy! Seems I've almost lived here the last week! I haven't even had time to write about all the craziness.
Here's a quick update:
- Amber and Justin spilt up last week. Because she is about to begin full-time nursing school, Donny and I decided to let her and Autumn live here. It has been a huge adjustment. Mainly because we have been empty Nester's for a couple of years and we are so used to our space. I've really enjoyed Amber during this transition. She has grown so much this past year and she is asking God to grow her more.
- The other thing going on is with April. You didn't think a crazy week wouldn't involve her did you? It seems her "b/f" stole her car last Tuesday. She had him drop her off (in her car) at the police station, so she could make a police report on her missing laptop she found at a pawn shop. After waiting 3 hours for him to return, she called us. Of course, we went and got her. After lots of drama, the car was found Thursday morning in WV. So April took a greyhound to WV to p/u her car. She once again is in a bad situation. Please pray for Donny and I as we try to deal with this situation. We need God's wisdom about how much we should help.
As you can see, this has been a week from hell. But, God is still on His throne and He is working everything out for His glory! I just don't want to get in His way.
Licking Life's Plate Clean!

Good to the Last Lick!
The other night Autumn was eating a fudge bar when she asked for a plate to catch the drips. Next thing I knew she had finished her treat and was licking the last bit of yummy chocolate off her plate. Of course, I ran for my camera! It was fun watching her enjoy every bit of her ice cream. Don't you love how kids can make a party out of the simplest things?
I think I'll try to live by the same motto;
Live life to the fullest and don't forget to lick your plate!
Could this be the "abundant life" Jesus spoke about?
Merry Go Round

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine King Solomon left among his wise sayings a prescription for sick and sad hearts, and it is one that we can safely take. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. Joy is the great restorer and healer. Gladness of spirit will bring health to the bones and vitality to the nerves when all other tonics fail and all other sedatives cease to quiet. Are you ill? Begin to rejoice in the Lord, and your bones will flourish like an herb, and your cheeks will glow with the bloom of health and freshness. Worry, fear, distrust, care-all are poisonous! joy is balm and healing, and if you will but rejoice, God will give power. He has commanded you to be glad and rejoice, and He never fails to sustain His children in keeping His commandments. Rejoice in the Lord always, He says. This means no matter how sad, how tempted, how sick, how suffering you are, rejoice in the Lord just where you are-and begin this moment. The joy of the Lord is the strength of our body, The gladness of Jesus, the balm for our pain, His life and His fullness, our fountain of healing, His joy, our elixir for body and brain.
A.B. Simpson
Live Today I Say!!

This is a picture of me with my b-day gift from my dad and step-mom. Bonnie, my step-mom, started buying me a place setting of these awesome dishes a few years back. I have 5 place settings now! I've never had a set of china before and she thought it was time. I absolutely love them. Each setting is from a book or theme from the bible. The one in the picture is "salvation". Each piece has a scripture about salvation on it. I'm going to take some advice I recently heard and eat off them often instead of waiting until tomorrow! Live today I say!!!
This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice in it!!!!!!
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