Monday, August 11, 2008

Once Again, I'm Learning to Let Go!

My middle daughter Amber is in the hospital in Texas. She had a gallbladder attack and is facing surgery. I'm having such a hard time not jumping in my car and going there. I've prayed about going and then talked to Donny and decided to stay here and pray. Donny and I don't have the money to go and Amber said not to come, but I feel so guilty.
She has her dad and step-mom there who are helping her with Autumn. My mom is there also. But I still feel bad. Moms are supposed to be there to hold their daughters hand, even if they are 23!
But, one thing I've learned these last few years, God is with them everywhere they go and whatever they are facing. He is there and is a better parent than I could ever be. So once again, I'm letting go!

So I decided to let my guilt go and trust God to be there in my place. He is my peace and strength.
It did bless me this morning when my husband said he can see how strong I've become since we married 8 years ago. When i asked him what he meant, he said that when we first met, the situation with our change in finances and our girls would have kept me in depression everyday. But he said I've gotten a lot stronger and he is proud of me for it. He also said he has no doubt I will do great in college because of it too! I love that man!


Moms Gone Godly said...

That's awesome Vicki!! God is covering her and I will be praying. You have come a long way!

angie said...

You have grown in your trust of God through these things Vic. It shows in your character, I guess it is true that perseverence grows us. And the journey continues..... I get excited thinking about the things God has in store for all of us.

3 wonderful gifts said...

God will take care of her and we will be praying for her as well

Kary said...

I'm proud of you too! I've seen your "journey" over the years...and I know that you will prosper because of it!