Well I made it through my first day of college and it was.....
I am so relieved. I love all my teachers and I am learning algebra like never before. Even though I spent 6 hours last night learning what most in my class are reviewing, I am getting it! God is so good! It was overwhelming for my first day to have to learn so much on my own, but Amber has been a huge help! She is so patient with me.
Donny has been great too! He got up and fixed breakfast for us and sent us off with lots of hugs and encouragement! (I love that man) He truly is a Godly man!
I'm so excited about all the things I'm going to be learning! Especially my art and graphic design classes. And guess what? I'm not the oldest in my classes!!!
Brooke Cagle and I have drawing together. The teacher is fun. We all sat around and visited and listened to him tell stories. The coolest thing happened! I sat between two girls named Whitley and Alley. They heard Brooke and I mentioning something about church and they both jumped in almost at the same time and ask "Where do you go to church? We just moved here and we have no clue where to go." Well you know me, I jumped on that one! Whitley is from Fayetteville and Alley is from Mountain Home! They've never been away from home and they are a bit scared as you can imagine.
Can you see where I'm going with this??
Luke 10:2 He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
God has placed me in a field full of young people seeking the truth!
Another confirmation is the fact that Campus Crusade for Christ called our church and asked if we would be the sponsoring church for the local chapter on campus. Kevin asked them how they came to pick us and she told him that she looked in the phonebook and our name "jumped" out! Okay people! Can you see God at work here? Kevin agreed to be in charge of the Thursday night meetings until they can get student leaders in place! I'm so excited about the door God has opened for our church. He is calling us to go!
Thanks for all your prayers and encouragements! Keep'em coming!
WOW! I am so happy for you! Can't wait to hear more:)
you are so cute!!!!! God is totally ROCKIN'SISTA!
THAT IS SO AWESOME!! I love the pic...you look so studious!
I was thinking about you! I hope it continues to go well for you.
I know you'll keep ministering to the young'ins!
Keep us updated!
Oh yea! This is just another answer to my prayers about a college ministry in our church! I'm sooooo excited!
And I'm so proud of you Vicki! You are doing what so many dream or wish they would/could/should do...Way to go!
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