Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Change is good but often scary

Today was my last day to work for VBSD. Although I'm excited about going to college, I'm sad to be leaving Maria and Kary.
I felt so bad for Kary today. The situation with her job is really sucking right now. I know God has a plan, but the process of the journey is hard to watch. I can't stand to see people I care about hurt. Kary desrves to be treated better than this district has treated her. I know in the end it will all make sense, but as I said "right now" sucks.

The Meantime
It's like being stuck in a holding pattern that you have no control over.
Not to mention you have no idea who is in comtrol of releasing the holding pattern. In my heart I know God is in control, but in the meantime it's hard.
Jesus i know you were so familiar with this fact of life. You lived in the meantime.
You came here to die, but in the meantime, you lived out your Father's will.
I've had lots of meantimes too. Nothing like what Jesus experienced, of course, but enough to know it's NOT FUN!!!
I guess if we never had any "meantimes" we would never enjoy the "moments" when the holding pattern releases and we finally make some headway toward our destination. This life is definately a "meantime".
help0 me Lord to live out your will in your joy during my meantime on this earth. Help me not to look at situations beyond my contol with fear. Take a way the butterflies in my tummy and give me your peace. I really need to know I'm in your will. Is it okay to be here? to admit I'm scared?

Watch over April. Being her home safely. Open the eyes of her heart Lord! Bring her back to you. fill the void in her heart and set her free to be all you've planned for her to be. I giver her to you!

1 comment:

Mark Hundley said...

Thank you for sharing your heart and a bit of your life. You are correct, change can be scary! Only three guarantees in life: death, taxes and change! Others (people and districts) do not always treat people with the dignity and respect necessary. My best to you and yours as you work on life! Please feel free to visit my blog entitled "Living in the Meantimes" @

Take care.