I love school! Don't get me wrong, it's stressful sometimes, but it would be boring if it didn't stress me out enough to push my creative boundaries.
This week was a busy one. I had an assignment due in Typography that attempted to break my creative spirit, but I'm here to say I'm the victor in that battle!
The assignment was to use an assigned font (mine was Times) and make a face. Okay I know you're thinking, that's sounds easy. How do I know you're thinking that? Cause' that's what I thought! But, wait! I have a teacher to please who is vague on how to fix things. I decided half way through the assignment, I should be going to school to be a plastic surgeon. Why you ask? You did ask right? Because my face underwent major reconstruction every time I sat down to work on it. It started out as a queen. But then the teacher said it was too symmetrical so after looking up what that word meant, I began the journey to plastic surgery hell! It's became an obsession! I couldn't stop myself. Nothing seem good enough and I fell into the lie that somewhere out in space existed a perfect type face. Notice I said "lie". The assignment was due yesterday morning at 10. After two days of little sleep my husband intervened and pried the mouse out of my hands! Once I conceded to the fact that the face was as good as it was going to get, I began the tedious task of inking it onto illustration board.
I can easily see how Michael Jackson kept getting plastic surgery to the point of no return. He bought into the lie also. :)
I did turn the assignment in on time and one lovely fact about this class (notice the sarcasm in my voice?) is the teacher posts all the work on the wall and the class gets to critique it. I dreaded this moment all week. But, as I sat and compared mine to the others I realized my face wasn't bad after all! Sure she needed chin reconstruction, but over all she fit right in. Amazing!
The sucky thing was we got to mine and the class ended. So I have to wait until Monday to hear what my peers think about my creation.
I love school! and I'm so excited to learn all I can about art! Here is my final creation. Isn't she lovely?
Vicki this is totally awesome! How creative, I would never pull something like this off. I was thinking what a neat picture before I read your blog and then found out you designed it, HOW COOL IS THAT! You should make them as hobbies and decorate your house with them and each one has a certain name...I'll take one! You go girl. Keep up the good work:)
I can't even begin to tell you how impressed I am! And it will get easier...just imagine when you're done with school and someone hires you to design something and you quickly create with your creative genius an amazingly creative masterpiece b/c you have trudged through this school work and learned how to do it ALL so well! Way to Go Vicki!
WOW Vicki!!!
I am looking foward to hearing the raves from the class ; )
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