Update on my face. I made a B. I was surprised. The teacher said it was a really good design, especially since I changed it at the last moment. I breathed a sigh of relief!
Next Tuesday, the art department is going on a field trip to LR. There is supposed to be this awesome show going on at the art center there. We will get to see Andy Warhol's original art! That is so cool. I'm excited. I'm going on my first field trip. I feel like a kindergartner. :)
Please pray for me this Thursday, if you think of it. I have my next Math final. I'm really nervous because up to now, I've barely passed with C's on test. I tend to forget how to solve things. This test is on percents and conversions. I have to memorize several conversion charts! I'll keep you posted!
I have to design an Olympic Logo for a school assignment. I've been assigned Mexico. Anyone out there have any ideas of what city would be good to pick? I thought about Cancun... not sure it's big enough. What about symbols for the logo? The Mexico city 1968 games had a Mayan Medallion, so I need something different. I have to come up with 10 different ideas and draw thumbnails to show the teacher my ideas. Any ideas???
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
My Husband Rocks Friday!

Since it's "My Husband Rocks" Friday, I thought it would be appropriate to share these pictures. Donny is gone to Dallas to a Irish Music retreat. It took a lot of convincing on my part to get him to go. He didn't want to spend the money. But, he did finally concede. When I got home last night he had put this on my computer. Keep in mind, he had to write backwards because it's a webcam. As you can see I am the luckiest woman in the world.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Pumpkin Plumber
Autumn and I had a blast Saturday. We went to Walmart and picked out our own pumpkin and brought them home to carve. As you can see she insisted on doing it in her undies. LOL Don't won't to mess up the new shirt Mamaw. This is actually the first year she would have anything to do with touching the inside. She loved it. She cleaned both of ours out. As you can see below she had no problem "digging in". We painted them and put them outside. Now this is what life is about!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Stop Your Whining!
I received such a blessing last night! Bridget called and we had a great conversation. She was asking me about my school stuff and encouraging me. If you read the entry before this one, you'll understand why this was such a GOD thing! Just when I started whining, God answered my prayers. Boy, have I been on a huge pity party.
I went to church yesterday. Got some walls to tear down around my heart. Why do I do that Lord?
Autumn and I had a blast carving a pumpkin. Not sure I posted here that my sweet husband bought me a MAC! I'll post some pics of our carving feat as soon as I have time to figure out how this thing works... It's awesome, but definitely not a PC. It will be a huge help with my school work and eventually my job as a freelancing graphic artist.
Gotta run. Have a great day friends!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Don't should all over yourself!
Have you ever felt used? I've been dealing with feeling that way lately. I guess giving and giving with nothing in return gets old. I have no problem setting boundaries with any other people except my girls. The whole MOM thing clouds my judgement. Might be fueled with guilt too. Where to draw the line? When to cross the line? Oh what to do?
How do I live a full life when all of hell is coming against me? I know the joy of the Lord is my strength....etc.... Don't get me wrong, I truly believe God is in control, but still doesn't mean I don't think life sucks. Somedays I want to haul my booty to another place. What would that place be like? hmmmmm
My Place
Calm. Clean, with NO clutter...( I see you laughing) laughter, nature, love, peace, rest, assurance, a spa, art supplies, (man, I'm getting sleepy..LOL) all the mochas I want, music, a good book, craft magazines, ........
I feel better just dreaming about the place.
God, why do I get so worked up? Why do I allow my heart to dictate my life most of the time? Help me to learn to put me first sometimes without the horrible feeling of guilt. As Amy Spencer told me once, "Don't should all over yourself." That should be my life's a motto. :)
Friday, October 17, 2008
Climb Every Mountain
It's 5:15 am and here I sit at the computer. I've been awake since 4. I have this song stuck in my head! Climb Every Mountain. I need to look up the lyrics. Usually when I wake up with a song in my head it's for a reason. I take it as God is speaking to me about something. I hope it's not a warning. Frankly I'm sick of being a mountain climber. Why can't I be a mountain jumper? You know, like spider man! Leap tall mountains in a single bound. I've had so many mountains in my life since the summer I've lost count. Lately I've grown weary in the battle. I've lost my desire to pray and even go to church. I read in the book "The Shack" that sometimes we can't see past our pain to notice our blessings. Guess that sums it up for me.
Oh there's the "good little Christian" in me saying, "don't admit that!" But I know speaking the truth will always exposed lies! Light has a way of doing that. So here I am, laying out my heart to the internet world and God. Not that it's news to him.
If any of you out there have some good scriptures I could use them. Prayer would be great too.
I decided to look up the lyrics:
Climb every mountain, search high and low.
Follow every byway, every path you know.
Climb every mountain, ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
'til you find your dream!
A dream that will need
all the love you can give,
Every day of your life
for as long as you live.
Climb every mountain, ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow, 'til you find your dream!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Future Plastic Surgeon?

I love school! Don't get me wrong, it's stressful sometimes, but it would be boring if it didn't stress me out enough to push my creative boundaries.
This week was a busy one. I had an assignment due in Typography that attempted to break my creative spirit, but I'm here to say I'm the victor in that battle!
The assignment was to use an assigned font (mine was Times) and make a face. Okay I know you're thinking, that's sounds easy. How do I know you're thinking that? Cause' that's what I thought! But, wait! I have a teacher to please who is vague on how to fix things. I decided half way through the assignment, I should be going to school to be a plastic surgeon. Why you ask? You did ask right? Because my face underwent major reconstruction every time I sat down to work on it. It started out as a queen. But then the teacher said it was too symmetrical so after looking up what that word meant, I began the journey to plastic surgery hell! It's became an obsession! I couldn't stop myself. Nothing seem good enough and I fell into the lie that somewhere out in space existed a perfect type face. Notice I said "lie". The assignment was due yesterday morning at 10. After two days of little sleep my husband intervened and pried the mouse out of my hands! Once I conceded to the fact that the face was as good as it was going to get, I began the tedious task of inking it onto illustration board.
I can easily see how Michael Jackson kept getting plastic surgery to the point of no return. He bought into the lie also. :)
I did turn the assignment in on time and one lovely fact about this class (notice the sarcasm in my voice?) is the teacher posts all the work on the wall and the class gets to critique it. I dreaded this moment all week. But, as I sat and compared mine to the others I realized my face wasn't bad after all! Sure she needed chin reconstruction, but over all she fit right in. Amazing!
The sucky thing was we got to mine and the class ended. So I have to wait until Monday to hear what my peers think about my creation.
I love school! and I'm so excited to learn all I can about art! Here is my final creation. Isn't she lovely?
Sunday, October 5, 2008
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