Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Heavens Declare His Glory

The other day Donny and I witnessed this magnificent sunset. I was in awe of the beauty. At one point it looked like the sunset was coming from a ball of fire. I laughed and told Donny God was showing off! As much as I strive to become an artist, I will NEVER create something as beautiful as this. And that's okay. I serve a God who can take the empty canvas we call sky and paint splendor like this! There will never be anything on this earth created by me or any man that will ever stir in me the awe I felt that day! Here are a few more pictures. Enjoy!

Psalm 19:1-3 (Contemporary English Version)

The Wonders of God and the Goodness of His Law

The heavens keep telling
the wonders of God,
and the skies declare
what he has done.

Each day informs
the following day;
each night announces
to the next.

They don't speak a word,
and there is never
the sound of a voice.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


This morning Kevin talked about how Jesus isn't our sidekick and how John prayed that he (John) would decrease while Jesus increased in him. At that moment I had an Aha. I must decrease in 2009 and He must increase. This can mean several things, but in my case it has to do with my relationship with food, my health and being overweight. I've been on WW for a month now, but have only followed it faithfully for a week.

As Kevin was sharing his own struggles with food, I realized my "mantra" for 2009 is

" I must decrease and Jesus must increase in 2009!"

Relating this to my weight and health issue it gives me something to meditate on in those moments when I want to throw in the towel. Not only do I need to loose weight, I need to loose the parts of me that get in the way of allowing God to be Lord of my heart.
The thing I need to remember is I can't do this. I can only surrender my will while God changes my heart. In Him there is freedom!!